
When we got home and I started sorting the
photos a few home truths hit me – 1. I
had no photos with my Jackson for him to look back and remember me, and the
ones I did have it wasn’t me, I am not that person in those photos. 2. I am a
health hazard and if something doesn’t happen soon, I won’t be around to play
with him or enjoy it as I should. 3. We really wanted another baby and things
weren’t happening – how can I go to the doctor in this state – do you both
drink, yes. Drink coffee, yes. Oh and your both obese… Let alone how was I
going to chase and keep up with a 6yr old and a new born! 4. I had always told
Adam, in my 30s I will be hot. I will have a bikini body to rock and although
my 20s have been a write off you just wait… he would just nod and smile not
because he didn’t believe me, because to him it really didn’t matter how I
looked, I was turning 29 in march… time was running out!
So I went back to work from my holidays in
size 20 clothes I had to buy for the summer and mentioned briefly to my boss I
was going to go to the gym, he saw something in me and within 5 minutes, Sarah
Shaw (his wife, my wonderful trainer) was on the phone. I went to the gym,
signed up and met with Sarah; she wasn’t letting me go this time. After my
first session which she ‘eased’ me into I couldn’t walk for days… I had to go
camping that weekend and literally couldn’t sit down, so I text abused her a
little and inside told myself this is ridiculous you should be ashamed you are
so unfit!
I looked at Sarah, her body and read her
story and thought, you know what I can be there. Her body is very real.
Somewhere in the last 12 months something clicked. It was so important to me
that I had her to answer to, although I know I should be doing this for myself
which I was, I had to be accountable to someone else, to let her down after
putting up with me (trust me I was painful!!) would be so wrong and unfair.
So in perspective – Sept 2012 I was 28 yrs
old, 99.7kg and size 20. I could do 3 crunches, plank on my knees for 15 sec
(just), do 1 push up on my knees and if you told me to get on a tread mill I
would knock you out. Sarah had her work cut out! Oh I haven’t yet mentioned how
much I sulked, whined and carried on! She persisted, inspired and supported me
daily and little did I realize but whatever she was doing was working.
Moving to November 2013 as I sit here
writing this, I am very proud to write – I am 5 months of turning 30, I am
79.4kg and a size 12. I can do about 50 crunches a minute with a weight, plank
on my toes for over 1 minute easy (even with weights on my back occasionally),
do about 40 pushups on my toes a minute and if you tell me to get on a
treadmill I will still want to knock you out but I know I won’t die and I can
run (I still look silly but I can do it)!
Last week I was looking at the photos from
that holiday I spoke of earlier and I just sat staring at my computer. I never
intended or ‘let’ myself get that big. I was in shock starring at the computer
and I said to Adam, why didn’t anyone say anything, his answer, ‘we didn’t see
it we love you dearly anyway’. I don’t know how or why it happened and I refuse
to have an excuse or I will have them in the future.
My friends, family, work and gym buddies
have been so supportive it is crazy. The last 12 months I have allowed myself
to be selfish and everyone around me supported that so much, it would have been
impossible without such amazing support.
So when people ask what is your secret ?
My answer sounds so cliché but it is true –
No fad diet or crap just hard work - emotionally, physically and, mentally hard
work! You have to want it and you have to have the head space for it. It is
tiring and hard work thinking and learning about food every day, gym sessions
and juggling everyday life. You have to have the right influences and educators
around you. For me Sarah has been priceless, such a wonderful educator and
trainer it would have been impossible without her support and coaching. I still
dislike exercise, whine a little and lack motivation sometimes but the ladies I
train with in the group PT sessions, Sarah’s wickedness and the results make it
all that bit easier.
I am now one of those strange people who
feels sick if I don’t get to the gym for a few days… oh my gosh what has
happened!! Oh and for the first time in 15 years I am excited to go swim wear

Thank you Amy for trusting me and following my advice….You deserve
your success and I couldn’t not be more proud of you xxxx
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