Friday, 13 June 2014

Don’t put off to tomorrow what you can start today.......

Gaining weight in excess could lead to a lot of negative results not only in your health but in also in the way you view life. You need to get back on track – the track to a healthy lifestyle minus the extra weight.   

1. Start with a shorter workout, even a 20 minute walk is better than nothing at all.

2. Managing weight gain does not mean eating bland. Try new healthy foods recipe – it can be a lot of fun. 

3.  Eat a healthy breakfast. Your morning meal sets the stage for the rest of your day, so start if off right!

4. Drink plenty of water...Don’t forget to add 1 litre for every hour of exercise

5. In setting weight loss goals, you might need to look for like-minded people to train with so you encourage one another towards success. Look for a trainer who offers group sessions.  You might even find a buddy to try that combat class with you!

 6. Every little mouth full of food adds up, trust me. Know the importance of tracking food intake.

7. Share your goals.  Be accountable to a trainer or a training partner

8. Put a motivational image on your iPhone, screen saver, fridge!

9. Plan your grocery shopping!  Don’t be reactive, plan what you are going to eat and buy.

10. Check the nutrition facts before you put it in your mouth.  Make yourself accountable for your calorie consumption.

11. Ride your bike, work in the yard, play with the kids….GET OUTSIDE

12. Take the stairs!  Make a pact with yourself that you will not take the stairs to the gym!
13. Create a music playlist that is going to motivate you on the treadmill
 14. Download an app to help you in tracking calories, water and exercise
 15. Choose an outfit that doesn’t fit and try it on once a week.
16. Set SMART goals, by planning a weight loss program that is achievable.
 17. Commit to a trainer or a friend to do a session or a class on a specific day and time
 18. Plan a little reward for yourself if you do achieve your goal but definitely, it should not be food-related!
 19. Talk to your partner and friends and ask them to support you, not sabotage you.
 20. Change your weight loss approach. Have confidence in yourself and believe that you can achieve.







Sunday, 8 June 2014

A winter warmer GUARANTEED to blow out your diet!

Hot chocolate

While you may already know that hot chocolate is unhealthy, you probably are not aware of just how ridiculous the ingredients can be.

In general, the hot chocolate that you can buy in coffee shops will be exceptionally bad for you in all possible senses.

For example, a medium Gloria Jeans hot chocolate made on full cream milk NO whipped cream has 30 grams of sugar, let’s make that number a little more real…! THIS HOT CHOCOLATE HAS 6 TEASPOONS OF SUGAR AND 250 CALORIES

 Another example, the Starbucks Venti 2% Salted Hot Chocolate provides you with a staggering 760 calories, which is more than some people consume in a dinner portion.

In addition, this drink contains 22g of saturated fat (which is more than you should have in an entire day), and 85g of sugar. To top it all off, the 380mg of sodium makes the Salted Hot Chocolate entirely unsuitable for those who are concerned about heart health and maintaining low blood pressure.

While this particular hot chocolate is an extreme example, its nutritional content should serve as a wakeup call about the true nature of these sweet drinks.
There are healthy snack options out there...promise!!!

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Exercise to Beat the Winter Blues

Let’s face it is tough to stay focused on your fitness over the winter months.  It is so tempting to roll over and hit snooze on those cold mornings. A hearty stew and bread roll is so much more tempting than a salad! But sticking to a regular fitness routine is vital if you want to stay in shape and take care of your health.

Just think about all of the effort that you put into your health and fitness over the summer.  It would be a shame to undo all of your hard work by sitting around feeling miserable all winter. 

Slowing down physically can have the unwanted side effect of bringing you down psychologically.  At a time when the weather is lowering our spirits we need to take practical measures to stay active and happy. 

Reasons to Exercise Regularly this Winter

1. Weight Loss

With the changes in our eating over winter we all need to balance out the increase in available calories with a huge dose of will power or some seriously energetic workouts.

I recommend a combination of the two strategies as being the most realistic option.  To maximise your calorie burning potential you should participate in 30 minutes to one hour of  exercise 3 - 5 x per week.

As a guide you should feel like you are working hard; your heart rate and body temperature will increase, as will your breathing will become more rapid.  If it feels like exercise then it is exercise.

2. Positive Body Image

There is nothing more disheartening than putting on your jeans and they feel tight! Exercise will not only help keep those excess winter kilos under control, it will make you feel better about yourself by optimising your physical condition and helping you to reach a healthy weight.

3. Energy Boost = Mood Enhancement

If you are feeling sluggish and fatigued first thing in the morning, improve your energy levels with yoga or a stretch session.  The coordination of breathing patterns and movements with these types of exercise will result in an increased energy levels and reduced tension. 

4. Improved Immunity 

We all need protection from the germs that are circulating around the office or being brought home from school by our children.  Regular moderate exercise will boost immunity by improving lymphatic and cardiovascular circulation.

However, the effects of exercise on your immune system are short lived and in order to optimise these effects it is important to exercise regularly.

A daily 20-30 minute walk would be an ideal way to start – it would fit nicely into your lunch hour too!

Note: Regular vigorous exercise can place a higher burden on your immune system and adequate rest and recovery should be factored into your week.

5. Reduction in Stress Levels, Anxiety and Depression 

It is widely accepted in the health and fitness community that exercise has a positive effect on our mind body and spirit.  So let’s take practical steps to fight off those winter blues by increasing our activity levels.

Regular gentle exercise is one way to improve your overall sense of well-being.  One way that exercise improves our mental state is by removing the by-products of stress that surge through our bodies helping us to find inner calm.

Ideal forms of exercise to improve emotional well being are yoga and tai chi.  Additionally some find that the rhythmical and repetitive movements of walking or gentle jogging help them to find a level of tranquility.

6. Just Do It! 

Half of the battle is taking the first step towards exercise.  That might mean packing your gym gear into your work bag, driving to the gym or arranging to meet a friend at an exercise class.

I often find that if I can switch off the internal chatter for just a few moments I’m in my gym gear before I know it and then there’s no turning back.

Don’t open the curtains to check the weather before you put your gym gear on, just do it! If you think about it too much, it won’t happen.


REAL Tips:  

Tip 1: If your motivation is lacking why not book in with a Personal Trainer.  A good Personal Trainer will help you to increase your confidence and achieve your goals through offering sound exercise and nutritional advice.  Staying on track and accountable is half the battle, a Personal Trainer will help you with strategies, tips and advice. 

Tip 2: If you are going to book in early morning workouts  I recommend that you catch up with your sleep at the other end of the day with some early nights.  Your body needs time to rest and repair.  Without adequate recovery time exercise increases your stress levels.

Tip 3: Choose an activity that you enjoy as you are more likely to commit to it and benefit from it.  If exercise is fun then you’ll go back for more.

Exercise will make you feel invigorated, alert and ready for the next challenge of the day.  In comparison, ‘lazy days’ will give you that sluggish unfulfilled feeling that leaves you questioning your self worth.  But don’t take my word for it, try it out for yourself. 

Good luck and have an energetic winter.


Friday, 6 June 2014

Low calorie, high protein and healthy!!!!

Eggs are often associated with huge, fried breakfast portions or baking cakes. As a result, you may not automatically think of them as healthy foods. In truth, one egg contains just 72 calories and provides your body with a beneficial six grams of protein.

Doctors recommend that you limit egg consumption in order to keep cholesterol levels under control, but the occasional egg definitely won’t hurt you in terms of weight loss and calories.

Try scrambling them or mixing them with peppers and other vegetables to create a healthy omelette. In addition to being good for dieters and containing plenty of protein, eggs offer a range of other health benefits.

For example:

·        They are a good source of vitamin A, which can influence everything from the condition of your skin to how well your immune system protects you from disease.

·        Egg yolks contain omega-3 fats, which help to reduce your chances of developing cardiovascular disease and may lower your risk of suffering from type 2 diabetes at some point in adulthood.

·        They provide you with choline, which can reduce inflammation levels in the body and help to prevent the buildup of a dangerous compound called homocysteine (which is linked to osteoporosis).

More healthy snack and cookbooks available on line - REDUCED PRICES