Stop and take time and be proud of your achievements, even a baby step, it is a step in the right direction....Cheer your achievements and stop being so hard on yourself. We are so busy trying to be perfect and keep everyone happy that we miss the big picture. We cannot achieve our results if we don't take a moment and be proud of our achievements. Take a moment at the end of the day (can I suggest when you are cleaning your teeth) reflect on something you are proud of and choose a focus for the next day. BE POSITIVE!
A thought for my mums....We spend so much time nurturing and providing for our children and our families that we leave nothing left for ourselves. Do you not think that a positive, happy and healthy mum will have a massive impact on the development of our children......
You spend time packing your kids lunches or snack box, would it kill you to put out an extra lunch box and pack something for yourself.? Lead by example and show your children that you are eating well and are eating real food. Not being on a continuous roller coaster of diets, shakes and despair...What are we teaching our children?
I am a busy working mum and trust me I know its tough but you need to plan and you need to prepare. Make some time for you so you can be a better person, mummy and wife.
Happy mothers day for tomorrow ladies....Give yourself the gift of allowing yourself to spend some of your time and energy on YOU xxxxxxxx
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