Saturday, 30 August 2014

Do this between meals

Do you ever get HUNGRY while waiting for your next meal to roll around?  I think just about everyone does, and that's exactly why I've prepared today's newsletter with a bunch of quick tips you can use when your next "between meal" craving hits:

1.  Drink it down!  Many times, simply putting something in your stomach is all that is needed to curb one of those nasty cravings, even if it's liquid.  Down a tall glass of water or a herbal tea.  It might be enough to get you past those hunger pangs.

2.  Chew it up!  Chewing gum is another great way to occupy your mouth and has also been shown to reduce cravings.  And of course, you can't eat while chewing gum, so it's like extra insurance against making a bad dietary decision.  Next time temptation strikes, try popping  a piece of gum in your mouth.

3.  Eat your heart out!  If you're hungry, eat!  I tell all my clients to eat as many veggies as their heart desired, at any time.  Spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, green beans, tomatoes, zucchini, mushrooms, and the list goes on and on.  These guys are packed with fibre while virtually having no "net" calories.  If you don't like them raw, cook 'em up and enjoy a big bowl.  Filling your stomach with the right foods is a great way to avoid filling them with the wrong ones.

4. Distraction!  Get out of the kitchen.  Go to the loo, put a load of laundry on or just get busy.  Sometimes we ‘think’ we are hungry but we are just bored.

5. Plan it!.  If you are eating your three main meals and two snacks and they are nutritional then you should be just fine.  If you skip meals and snack not only will you over eat or eat the wrong thing you will also mess around with your metabolism.
6.  Get Real! The Real Fitness for Real women recipe collection has some great, simple and balanced meals that will make sure you don't get hungry between meals.  The REAL Recipe book even has 2 weeks worth of meal plans

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Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Add fun factor!

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Saturday, 23 August 2014

Exercise made simple - No excuse simple workouts for link!

Exercise made simple!

If you plan 4 exercise sessions for the week then guess what …you need to do 4 sessions!  Don’t start the next week behind, fit that makeup session in on a Sunday so you start the next week fresh.

Another favourite excuse “I couldn’t make it to the gym”!  Try this work out at home…

1 min wall sit
15 push ups
15 squat jumps
15 tricep dips (use your coffee table if yours is stable enough)
15 crunches
Repeat x 3

(concept is lower body, upper body, cardio, upper    body core, mix it up!!!)


I am at the gym and there are no group fitness classes I like…..

10 minutes treadmill (alternate hill and flat i.e. 2 mins hill / 30 secs flat)
15 reps Leg press x 3 sets
15 reps chest press x 3 sets
10 mins on the bike (alternate sprint and recovery i.e. 20 sec sprint/20 sec recovery)
16 x Alternating lunges
15 reps lateral pull down x 3 sets

Some basic abdominals, stretch and home  (30-35 min work out tops!!!)


Every week……….

Something I am going to keep ….for example I will keep eating my healthy breakfast

Something I am going to change….for example I am going to mix up my workouts and try a new class

Something I am going to stop …. The sneaky 3pm biscuits!

Small changes to your actions will result in MASSIVE changes on the scales and in your measurements.  Don’t focus on the results, focus on the actions.

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Wednesday, 20 August 2014

If you want to lose weight you seriously need to ......

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Saturday, 16 August 2014

You mind be suprised....try this as a snack

Chips, Salsa, and Guacamole

Although it may sound strange, chips and salsa can actually be combined to create a healthy snack, even if you stick with the tastier fried tortilla chips instead of opting for the cardboard-tasting baked ones.

Specifically, ten natural blue-corn tortilla chips will set your diet back only 90 calories, while homemade salsa fresca is almost calorie-free.

For example, you can make it in just 25 minutes by mixing 4 ripe tomatoes, a quarter of an onion, 1 jalapeno pepper, 3 cloves of garlic, a splash of lime juice and a pinch of salt.

Depending on your taste, you can also add fresh herbs (such as coriander or parlsey) to make the salsa even more delicious.

Alternatively, many types of salsa that can you find in stores will also be healthy enough to combine with your diet. As long as the fat, sugar and calorie content looks reasonable, go for it!

If you don’t care for salsa, try a serving (i.e. 1/3 of a cup) of guacamole, which is only 90 calories and can also be made at home. All you need is a ripe tomato, a few ripe avocados, the juice of a lime, an onion and a finely chopped chili

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Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Throw them out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sunday, 10 August 2014

3 tough realisations to keep weight off for good

You've been trying to lose weight for months or maybe even years. You finally drop enough to fit into those jeans you 5 years ago but sooner or later, you can't even slip them over your thighs again. Why does losing weight have to be so hard? Here are some difficult things you'll need to swallow in order to lose the weight and keep it off for good.

Diets Aren't the Answer

While many people lose weight ditching carbs or going on a liquid diet, these methods can't last forever. These diets are often not nutritionally sound or so restrictive you end up binging on all the foods you crave. Plus, when you hit your goal weight and go back to your old eating habits, the weight is bound to come back. Slimming down and being able to maintain this smaller version of yourself is all about making a lifestyle change. That means figuring out a healthy diet that can be maintained for the rest of your life. What's been proven to work is a diet full of fruits and veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins.

Of course you're allowed to cheat every once in a while — and it can actually help diminish cravings — but indulgences should be in moderation. It'll take some getting used to, but soon you'll adapt to your new healthy way of eating and wonder how you ever used to down cheeseburgers, soft drinks, and cookies every day. Keep reading to learn two more realisations that'll help you lose weight for good.

Counting Calories is key

Losing weight is about basic math: calories in cannot exceed the amount of calories the body uses up. And to lose weight, you'll need to create a calorie deficit. Counting calories may seem strict, but if you don't keep track of how much you eat, you may never reach your goal weight. Start by becoming aware of your calorie consumption, is a great tool.  You might not realise how many calories you are ‘spending’ on a snack that you think is healthy. Many find success writing down their daily diet in a food journal, or with a weight-loss app, which logs the calorie amounts for food eaten. You'll also want to arm yourself with calorie saving tips for eating out, when you hit happy hour and during the weekend.

Walking Isn't Enough

A healthy diet is key to losing weight, but if you have more than a few kilos to lose, that alone isn't the most effective way to get you to your goal weight. You'll have to incorporate exercise as well, and I don't mean just a walk around the block. Most recommendations say that to lose weight, you must exercise for at least an hour a day, five times a week. We're talking the kind that gets your heart rate up such as running, biking, or a cardio class at the gym.

An hour may seem like a lot, but once you carve out that time in your schedule, it'll be something you look forward to every day. If boredom is your complaint, switch up your cardio routine and keep you excited about working out. Aside from burning calories, exercising will give you muscles,which boosts your metabolism and helps you burn more calories. It'll give your body some definition as well, making weight loss even more noticeable. Exercising can also be a way to feel good about indulging — if you go on a two-hour hike, you'll know you can enjoy dessert after dinner without a side of guilt. Exercising regularly is just as important as eating right, and once you adapt both to your life, losing weight and keeping it off will be a breeze


I’m confused

There is soooooo much information out there.  Google might seem like a great place to get information but articles contradict each other, there are soooooo many traps with quick fixes or pills and potions.  SEEK HELP.....! Check out Real Fitness for Real Women Kick start plans that you can do at home, you don’t need a gym membership or heaps of equipment.  What you need is solid advice, consistency and support to make lifestyle changes.  I am here to help xx
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Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Take note!

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Sunday, 3 August 2014

10 things that will slow your metabolism and quick fixes to get your body burning

Need another reason to love your body? It burns calories all by itself—as long as you don't get in the way. See, every cell in your body plays a role in energy metabolism—the process of turning the food you eat into energy that keeps your heart beating, lungs pumping, and muscles moving. The faster your metabolism, the more calories you burn. And just like there are ways to speed it up—by working out, for instance—certain habits can hit the brakes on your natural calorie-churning engine.

Here are 10 things to avoid in order to keep your metabolism humming.
A Weird Eating Schedule

In a 2012 Hebrew University study, mice fed high fat foods sporadically gained more weight than mice that ate a similar diet on a regular schedule. Researchers suspect that eating at the same times every day trains the body to burn more calories between meals.
The fix: Set regular meal and snack times—and stick with them.
ides in Produce

Organochlorines (chemicals in pesticides) can interfere with your body's energy-burning process and make it harder to lose weight, according to a Canadian study. Researchers found that dieters who ate the most toxins experienced a greater-than-normal dip in metabolism and had a harder time losing weight.
The fix: Splurge for the organic versions of fruit and vegetables where possible. Skimping on Sleep

A 2012 study found that people who sleep less move less the next day, which means they burn fewer calories. But it gets worse: Sleep deprivation actually reduces the amount of energy your body uses at rest, according to the German and Swedish researchers.
The fix: set a regular me the ironing can wait
ur Period

You lose iron during your period every month, and iron helps carry oxygen to your muscles. If your iron levels run too low, your muscles don't get enough O2, your energy plummets, and your metabolism sputters, says Tammy Lakatos Shames, R.D., author of Fire Up Your Metabolism: 9 Proven Principles for Burning Fat and Losing Weight Forever.
The fix: Stock up on iron-fortified cereals, beans, and dark leafy greens like spinach, bok choy, and broccoli.

Eating Too Little

When you skimp on calories, your body switches into starvation mode, slowing your metabolic rate to conserve the fuel it's got.
The fix: Eat small healthy meals regularly.  Understand how many calories are in the food you are eating.
o Long

It takes only 20 minutes in any fixed position to inhibit your metabolism, according to Carrie Schmitz, an ergonomic research manager for Ergotron.
The fix: Move more at work, take the stairs and get up regularly from your desk.

Another reason to drink your milk: Calcium plays a key role in regulating your fat metabolism, which determines whether you burn calories or store them as fat. A diet that's high in calcium could help you burn more fat, according to research conducted at the Nutrition Institute at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville.
The fix: Load up on calcium rich foods


All of your body's cellular processes, including metabolism, depend on water. If you're dehydrated, you could burn up to 2 percent fewer calories, according to researchers at the University of Utah.
The fix: Take note of how much water you are drinking.

g Breakfast

When you miss breakfast, you don't just set yourself up to overeat at lunch. You actually tell your body to conserve energy—which means it burns calories more slowly. That's one reason a study from the American Journal of Epidemiology found that people who skip a morning meal were 4.5 times more likely to be obese.
The fix: Make time for breakfast, even if it’s a piece of fruit on the run.
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