Exercise made simple!
If you plan 4 exercise sessions for the week then guess what …you need to do 4 sessions! Don’t start the next week behind, fit that makeup session in on a Sunday so you start the next week fresh.
Another favourite excuse “I couldn’t make it to the gym”! Try this work out at home…
15 push ups
15 squat jumps
15 tricep dips (use your coffee table if yours is stable enough)
15 crunches
Repeat x 3
(concept is lower body, upper body, cardio, upper body core, mix it up!!!)
I am at the gym and there are no group fitness classes I like…..
10 minutes treadmill (alternate hill and flat i.e. 2 mins hill / 30 secs flat)
15 reps Leg press x 3 sets15 reps chest press x 3 sets
10 mins on the bike (alternate sprint and recovery i.e. 20 sec sprint/20 sec recovery)
16 x Alternating lunges
15 reps lateral pull down x 3 sets
Some basic abdominals, stretch and home (30-35 min work out tops!!!)
Every week……….
Something I am going to keep ….for example I will keep eating my healthy breakfast
Something I am going to change….for example I am going to mix up my workouts and try a new class
Something I am going to stop …. The sneaky 3pm biscuits!
Small changes to your actions will result in MASSIVE changes on the scales and in your measurements. Don’t focus on the results, focus on the actions.
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