Saturday 24 January 2015

8 Healthy Ways to start the day.

8 Healthy Ways to Start
 the Day




Tired of waking up with no energy? 

Try these 8 health tips to start your day right.




Wake Up Earlier


Mornings are supposed to be waking up feeling refreshed and with vigor. Being rushed when you risk running late can lead to a feeling of stress the whole day. Start your day by waking up 20-30 minutes earlier than usual so that you don’t feel the need to hurry. You will have more time to stretch and prepare in a more relaxed manner.


Eat Breakfast

Sleep is the body’s recovery period. Seven to eight or more hours of sleep leaves your body thirsty, needing to be nourished first thing in the morning. This is why breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It perks you up, rouses your metabolism the right way and keeps you energetic the whole day. Skipping breakfast can make you overeat later in the day.   

Drink Water


Not only are your fuel stores depleted when you wake up, but you're also probably mildly dehydrated. Drinking water first thing in the morning will help boost your metabolism, flush out toxins, and get your systems up and running. If you make this habit as regular as brushing your teeth, you may just start to notice higher morning energy levels. Besides, you're going to need something to wash down your multi-vitamin with--so gulp a big glass of water!

Sneak in Exercise


Working out in the morning is one of the best things you can do to get yourself on track for the day. It leaves your evening free to do other activities such as having a healthy but lovely dinner with family or friends. You'll also feel proud that you did something good for your body while most people were still asleep! Starting your morning with this habit will also cause you to make healthier decisions all day long.


Stretch it Out


If a full-blown workout isn't going to happen for you in the early hours, try a simple stretch routine, instead. You'll still get your blood and endorphins flowing, and your mind focused. Think of stretching as a cup of coffee that warms and perks you up without the jittery side effects.




Jot Your Thoughts


If your morning routine leaves you feeling scatterbrained by the time the sun is up, you may benefit from taking a few minutes to write down your morning thoughts. Journaling has been shown to boost self esteem, and is a powerful way for you to work through any issues you might have. Write about anything that pops into your head and then leave it there on the paper. You can even write a to-do list to organize yourself so that even if your day turns out to be a busy one, what you need to do and in what order is already planned.  Getting it out and writing it down allows you to fully move onto the next task with a clear head.


Check out for more tips and tricks.




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