Saturday, 17 January 2015

Love the food you eat...Diet is a dirty word!



Diet is a dirty word.  It has connotations of deprivation, boredom and temptation, which ultimately leads to guilt, shame and embarrassment.  Realistically we know that diets don't work, well not in the long run anyway.

I believe that mindful eating is the key to success, being mindful of what you are eating will change the way you respond to food both physically and mentally. Practicing this approach will take away the negative connects we associate with food.


Try questioning whether you are actually hungry or not before you eat.

Eat sitting at a table, do not stand to eat or drive while eating...Use utensils!

Eating slowing and using all of your senses.  Take time to appreciate smells and textures.

Stop before you are uncomfortably full.  Wait 10-20 minutes before you decide you want seconds.

Acknowledge what you are eating, make the conscious decision to eat and enjoy xx

Healthy recipes and snack that you will love are available now at

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