Saturday, 29 November 2014

Why your work out sucks!!!! A light hearted take on training

Thought I would stir things up a little bit!!!!!!. And I’m known for being honest, to fault. So, when writing this post I thought ‘hmmmmm, what shall I say? Here’s what I came up with.
Top 10: Reasons Your Workouts Suck!
In the world of fitness and health, more people fail then succeed at reaching their goals. Most people don’t fail due to lack of commitment, dedication or resolve. It’s actually simpler than that – their workouts suck! So I’ve compiled a list of 10 reasons that may be holding you back from reaching your true potential.
Recognize any?
1. You’re A Poser. It’s that simple. Just because you belong to some popular Facebook fitness groups and are involved in several online communities, doesn’t mean you’re a fitness machine. I’ve met more people who pretend to be fitness elite that couldn’t do one pushup or a set of burpees when their profiles would lead you to believe otherwise. It’s almost like having a fake profile on a dating site. If you can’t actually perform workouts that you talk about, there’s a problem. Walk the walk and be who you say you are. We’ll all find out eventually. And using other peoples body shots as YOUR profile pic is creepy.
2. You Never Change. Good intentions mean jack with regard to fitness programs – an intelligent plan and follow through are key. Let me ask you – have you ever seen someone’s before and after pictures and thought…”hmmm, they don’t look any different?” People, if you’ve been working out for months and see little to no progress, guess what? Your workout sucks! Time for a change I’d say. Try re-evaluating your program and or diet to see what’s slowing you down. When you’ve got a good plan and your committed, progress is inevitable.
3. You Lie. You set out to do 3 sets of 12 reps and you get to 10 reps on your first set, 10 on the second set and you drop the weight on the 3rd set and go that’s close enough! Sound familiar? Then you go and post comments on how awesome the workout was! That’s lying, not only to others but to yourself as well. Instead, be honest and say you needed more rest time or shorter work intervals and that you’re working towards better conditioning.

Take this blog in the intent it was written :)-  Sarah xxxxx
4. You’re Narrow Minded. It’s easy to do.  I often need to remind myself to keep an open mind towards other training styles and programs. If you’ve been doing the same kind of workouts forever, chances are your workout needs an overhaul and your body is bored. You MUST get out of your comfort zone and try new things as new challenges forge the beginnings of change and strength. No one is saying that you shouldn’t do what you like, but believe me also doing what you don’t like has benefits too!

5. You’re An Addict. Here too is another reason your workout plan may need some rethinking. I know how much we all love exercise. Not only does it make us strong physically, but mentally and emotionally it’s quite satisfying as well. The problem is that you can have too much of a good thing. You get stronger, healthier and more fit when you’re NOT in the gym. Proper rest and recuperation is key to living a healthy and fit life. If you workout 7 days a week and all you ever talk or think about is the gym, celebrity trainers and your latest – greatest exercise program – you need to get a life. Don’t be ‘that’ person at a party. Do you know what I mean? Try taking at least 2 FULL days off per week and get a hobby.
5 more reasons your workouts suck!
1. You think Tabata comes with a side of Miso soup and green salad.
2. You take more pictures of yourself working out then reps of exercise you finish.
3. Most of your ‘workout’ is on the cardio equipment
4. You don’t know what extension or flexion means.
5. You put more effort into you Facebook & Instagram profile than your workout and diet.
So there are my 10 reasons your workouts suck! Before you go and get all crazy on me, I say lighten up! Seriously, exercise should be fun, engaging and add to the overall well-being in your life. It shouldn’t feel like a job or be something that you dread doing. If you treat your body with respect it will repay you with strength, vitality and a better quality of life.

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Belly Bloating who needs it! - Get rid of belly bloating now

Belly bloating – who needs it!
Bloating is uncomfortable, miserable, and can leave even the fittest person feeling fat.   Bloating is caused by excess fluid retention and/or trapped gas that accumulates in your digestive system.  


To fight bloating the natural way, there are two actions that you need to implement: avoid foods that most commonly cause it and start eating more foods that help fight bloating symptoms.   First, what to avoid: The most common culprits of bloating are salt, fatty foods, alcohol, raw vegetables, sugars and sugar substitutes, gluten, and carbonated beverages.  Your body will normally react to a food that causes you bloating straight away, you will get that sick feeling and bloat quite quickly.  Once you have identified the foods that you think are the culprits, eliminate them and I am sure you will feel 100% better.  Your digestive system will start to function properly and you will find you will start to lose weight. 

Now read on for a list of 10 foods to incorporate in your diet to help fight bloating, relieving gas build up and clearing your system of excess fluid.    

Eat Your Fibre

Fibre can help you maintain a healthy weight, make you feel fuller for longer, and if eaten properly, reduce bloating. This is because fibre can help aid digestion and keep you regular (you know what we mean). If you’re not going number two regularly, you’re constipated and can have excess gas build up in the colon—aka bloating.  

“Whole grains, veggies and fruits are great sources of fibre. Quinoa and oatmeal are among two of the best whole grains you should eat to fight bloating.


Though it may seem counterintuitive, you can combat excess fluid retention by drinking plenty of water.  

Drinking water helps flush excess sodium and fluids from your body, and, like eating fibre, drinking plenty of water can help prevent constipation (which leads to bloating).  

That fire we were talking about earlier? Yeah, your average, raw strawberry is packed with it and, if eaten in moderation, can help promote digestion and fight bloating.

Add a few cut up strawberries to your oatmeal or afternoon snack.   Be sure to eat strawberries and other fruits in moderation, as they do have natural sugars, which if eaten in excess can cause gassiness and bloating.      


Bananas are full of potassium, which can help regulate your body’s sodium levels. That’s a good thing because too much sodium means excess fluid build up.  

Eating yogurt, which is loaded with probiotics, introduces good bacteria to your gut. This bacteria helps you better break down food and helps keep your digestive system moving and in balance.  

If you’re lactose intolerant or if you’re sensitive to dairy and it causes you to bloat, you can take a probiotic supplement instead.      

Watermelon is, obviously, loaded with water. That makes it one of the go-to foods experts recommend to help flush out excess fluids from your system. And, like strawberries, watermelon’s nutrients can help boost for your immune system.    


Similar to watermelon, pineapples boast a high-water concentration that will help to flush excess fluids from your system. They also contain enzymes that help you better digest protein.   

Boosting your fibre intake can help prevent and combat bloating, and eating spinach is a smart way to do that. Not only is spinach full of fibre, but it’s one of those incredible super foods that can do so much more for your body as well.

Ginger or Peppermint Tea
These teas are great digestive aids that can help prevent bloating while also soothing an upset stomach.

Full of water, asparagus acts as a diuretic to rid your body of excess fluid, but it’s also great because it promotes the growth of good intestinal bacteria, which can help aid proper digestion.  

Asparagus can also boost your metabolism and keep you feeling satiated without feeling sluggish.  
Eliminating foods that you know are causing bloating and add some or all of the above foods that add bloating will have you feeling fitter and leaner straight away.  Looking after your digestive system is key for weight loss.
The quick and easy way to eliminate bloating now is to follow the Real Fitness for Real Women Eliminate lose body fat now eating

Thursday, 20 November 2014

FIT looks good on everybody

Stop focussing on weight loss, diets, fad weight loss products and just focus on being fit.  If you focus on your health and fitness you will achieve your goals.  Eating whole, real foods and getting up and out for a workout is what you need to start doing TODAY!

Check out for great recipe books that the whole family will enjoy x