Beating Late-Night Eating
Tips that helped
save late-night nibblers from the call of the fridge or the cupboard
For many people it is easy to eat well and stay on track during the day
but night time is when things that can go wrong usually do….Too much snacking
while preparing kids lunches for the next day or picking while you are cooking
dinner. The most damage comes from
raiding the pantry, fridge or freezer for after dinner munchies.
First of all you need to establish why you are wanting a late night snack, develop a strategy and then change your way of dealing with those late night snack attacks!
First of all you need to establish why you are wanting a late night snack, develop a strategy and then change your way of dealing with those late night snack attacks!

These are some of the main culprits…..Can you relate to one?
You may be bored or dealing with another emotion like stress, and use this time to preoccupy or anesthetize yourself with food. If boredom is your enemy then find tasks around the home to occupy you, a diversion might be all that you need.
You have restricted your calories too much during the day and truly are hungry. This is a big one, review what you are eating during the day and check whether restricting your food intake during the day is the problem. This might be a conscious or unconscious restriction. If you days are action packed and you are skipping lunch and forgetting afternoon tea then you are definitely going to be hungry. If it is an unconscious choice you maybe operating under the false myth of reducing calories will help you lose weight. Eat regularly during the day and you might find your late night snacking problem solved!
Off-limits thinking
The more you tell yourself you can’t have something the more you want it!!!!! ‘Diet’ mentality is a common cause for bingeing and late night snacking. Depriving yourself of regular wholesome food is going to play havoc with your mind. Eat to fuel your body rather than deprive it and you might be surprised at the results.
We think that a biscuit binge or a serve or seven of ice-cream will make
us feel better. Maybe for about....1
minute and then you feel sick! You may
get a quick release of dopamine that will make you feel great for that 1 minute
but the more we abuse this dopamine release the more sugar we have to consume
to get that same ‘hit’ It takes just a
matter of moments to consume 500 calories, just think about how long it’s going
to take you to burn off.
Are you FLAB?????? Before you eat
ask yourself am I FRUSTRATED, LONELY, ANXIOUS OR BORED… If you answer yes go
and distract yourself and stay away from the kitchen!
Late-night survival strategies
To combat those cravings, here are some real-life survival tips for beating the refrigerator battle.
· When you feel the
tug to comfort yourself with late-night snacks, investigate other things you
consider comforting, like reading a good book, having a relaxing bath or
shower or even going to bed early.
· Keep busy while you are breaking some bad
habits set yourself a project list that you can refer to when late night snacks
are tempting you. It may be cleaning out
the linen cupboard, clean the bathroom…..Anything to side track you!
· Try delay tactics as a tool to avoid
snacking. If you ‘think’ you are wanting
to snack first have a drink of water, had the water and are still tempted go to
the loo! Sounds crazy but it might be a
good diversion to get you as far away from the kitchen as possible! Another good strategy is clean your teeth,
you are less likely to head back into the kitchen if you have already cleaned
your teeth.
· If you are
genuinely hungry or you have tried some of the above strategies and you still
want something to eat then picking low-fat snacks is a good idea: rice
crackers, yogurt, fat-free pretzels or maybe a herbal tea will do the trick. It’s
important to take out the portion and close the container before eating.
If you have made the decision to eat, then sit and enjoy it guilt free, don’t
stand in the kitchen and scoff it, sit and enjoy. Other ways to monitor
behavior include "closing" the kitchen and not walking back in.
· Make sure
you're eating enough throughout the day: Evaluate your
level of hunger when you wake up. After an eight-hour stretch, you should be
moderately hungry within 30 minutes of waking up. If you're not, you probably
ate too much the night before.
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