Knowledge is power, application is gold...
Use the nutrition knowledge that you have and apply it to your life right now.
Spend some time reviewing your nutrition plan and make some changes today....
Did you know that if you do not have enough carbohydrates in your system for your body to use as a fuel source it will start to tap into your protein stores. That means MUSCLE! You do not want to be burning your muscle as a fuel source.
Muscle burns 40 calories per kilo per hour
Fat burns 4 calories per kilo per hour
The more lean muscle you have the more fat you will burn without even having to exercise. Taping into protein stores as an energy source will lead to poor recovery and no lean muscle mass.
You still need to watch the amount of carbs you are eating. Excess carbs will spill over into glycogen stores and will be stored in fat cells.
Simply adding an extra 100 grams of fibrous green vegetables to your eating plan could stimulate weight loss.
Optimal protein intake is 1.2—1.6 grams per kilo of body weight per day.
When can it be a good time to add a simple sugar into your eating plan?
Add a simple carb or sugar before a high energy workout or class and you will not only burn more fat in your workout you will stimulate your metabolism to keep burning after you leave the gym. 5 glucose jelly beans is a great hit before a high intensity workout.
Tips to reduce body fat
1. Stimulate your metabolism
2. Eat 5-7 small meals EVERY day
3. Increase lean muscle mass
4. Reduce empty calories (processed foods)
5. Increase whole foods
6. Structure your nutrition to suit your workout
7. Consider supplements to get the best our of your workouts.
8. Add interval training to your workout regime.
9. Lash out and try something new, keep your body guessing. Try a group fitness class you haven’t done before.
10. Make the most of your workouts, you made the effort to get to the gym, now put the effort in. Simply turning up is not going to get you the results.
For further support and advice head to www.realfitnessforrealwomen.com.au
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